Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Old Technology

I have been attempting to buy a DVD player in the last few days. Not a DVD-RW recorder with built in Hard Drive, not a fancy-pants Blu-ray player with HD, not a VCR/DVD combi. Just a DVD player - that plays DVDs.
And shops "sell" them - well at least the display them on their shelves and in their catalogues. However I have come up against a problem. You'd think buying said DVD players would be easy. You go into a shop, select your choice, head to the till, purchase. But NO. at this point they tell you - "I'm sorry we are out of stock". This has so far happened in two shops with 4 different DVD players. Who is buying all the DVD players? or is it just that shops have rubbish stock control?

James Bond maintains the once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.

I assume then that 4 times is some kind of terrorist plot....

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