Monday, 26 January 2009


They say that you're only young once - but you can be immature forever....

...but can you? Is there a point in your life where you have to grow up? Can you actually manage to live, love, work and even play, without gaining a little maturity along the way.

But then does maturity require the inability to be silly? I sincerely hope not. I may be able to rent a flat, get married and have a pension but I can also tickle Jenn till she can't breathe, get excited over Kinder Surprise toys and make stupid faces on photos.

I guess what worries me is that the people I know who are 'mature' also tend to be serious and un-fun. They talk about pension plans and insurance policies. They worry about the state of the economy and the cost of housing. Then again so do I....just in the privacy of my own room :-)

Am I growing up? I certainly didn't plan to.

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